Helps me to see “myself” clearer, by understanding the truth of God. It also helps me to know who I am, not what I thought I was, or what others thought about me!
Helps me to become more of what God intended me to be. I learn to forgive others more than I did before!
Attending the program helps me to know that there are many people who experience a similar journey. I am not alone anymore and I don’t have to face life-problems by myself.
By attending “Journey II”, God revealed to me that I am his child and very precious! I can hear Him better. He knows me well and still loves me!
Journey II helped me in healing my deeper wounding, which happened when I was young from being abused by my dad physically and emotionally. This affected my relationship with others. Now I am more aware of His love for me and am in His healing process.
I get to know myself and learn to set boundaries with others. I also learned to set time with God! I struggle most in these two areas. I am learning that it is OK to be rejected by others, and I don’t have to manipulate anyone to do what I want!