Help you to deal with issues
Help you to deal with issues that have affected your sexuality and personal relationships. Journey Thailand is a Christ-centered, discipleship ministry, whose focus is on the healing that comes from experience with Jesus. Rather than walking by yourself, you need others to walk with you on this ongoing journey of healing.

Have you ever felt like this?
Unable to relate to people, fear of intimacy, having dependent relationship, depressed, having irrational fear or anger, shame, dealing with abuse, hooked on pornography, etc. No matter where you are on your journey, one of our programs can possibly help.

We provide a safe environment
We provide a safe environment so that you can share honestly about your struggles. It is a place where you can receive grace and healing power from God, so that you can find hope and freedom to live life!
Endorsements from board members
This is an essential program for all Christians. Those who don’t think they have problems will come to know what their problems are. And those who know they have problems will understand that there is hope for them to receive God’s healing. At present, this is the only program offered within the context of Christian community in Thailand, offering help as a long term discipleship program. The program also focuses on people’s hidden sins. You can be assured that this is a safe place for you to open up and for God to help you.
It is very difficult for us to come out of our habitual sins. The main reason is our wounding. Journey Program will help us to know and accept healing for our wounds (which we are not aware of). The program will help us to know and accept them so that we have freedom from our sins. Some of us do not understand why we need to receive healing for wounding. I think our wounding and brokenness are behind our sins. And you are so ashamed of it and try to cover it up.
It is the program where I found God’s grace. The love of God used to be something not tangible, only written in the Bible. But attending the program helped me to see the mercy and kindness, a place where I can find the grace and love of God in a tangible way. Whatever circumstances we come from we won’t be judged. This helped my life to change from the inside-out
We, as human beings, do not see ourselves clearly because we are so used to the way we are. We may feel we have something we don’t like, don’t understand, are frustrated with or feel ashamed about, but we do not know what to do about it. We believe in Jesus and believe what the Bible says, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come”. But the new creation is a process, and it seems like God won’t do the work of creating the new until He gets us to see the old things within ourselves and we give Him permission to change us. The Journey Discipleship Program is like a mirror to help you see something old that has been hidden so long within yourself. It will also guide you and walk with you in your journey.
This program helps me to find my true self, emotionally and mentally. The Holy Spirit touches me with His grace and love and gives me hope through hearing life changing testimonies from brothers and sisters in Christ
“Change my thoughts and perspectives in seeing myself. I learn to love myself and be the person whom God wants me to be. As a result I learn to love others unconditionally and have more hope for the future. I would like to invite you to receive the same from God like I do from the ministry.”
It’s a ministry that has changed my life. As God heals my intense pain and wounding, which hinders my close relationship with Him, I become more aware of my self-worth. I am learning to have boundaries in relating with others; this helps me to love myself and others in a healthy way. The most important thing is I don’t have to live my life anymore under the mask of a perfect person who has no problems. My weaknesses are no longer shameful nor need to be covered up. By God’s grace, He can use my weaknesses to be the source of His unlimited mercy, love and power that He has for me.